Guest Fun Casey Green Weddings Arizona Blog

Wedding Planning Advice

10 Ways to Make Your Wedding Guests Have a Blast at Your Wedding

August 9, 2017

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Guest Fun Casey Green Weddings Arizona Blog

Okay, let’s be real. At the end of the day, after all your planning, organizing, designing, coordinating…

all of your hard work would be for nothing if your wedding guests don’t have a blast at your wedding!

Because I know all you really want your wedding to be is a happy, wonderful experience with the people you love most in your world on your wedding day.

So let’s make that happen!

Here are 10 things you can do to make sure your wedding guests remember your wedding for decades to come!

Mr Mrs Birds Eye Table Casey Green Weddings Blog

Make introductions at your rehearsal dinner

Remember, you are one of the few people at your rehearsal dinner who probably knows everyone. Therefore, take charge and be sure to make introductions to everyone at the dinner. Take time to start a conversation with the newly introduced parties before moving on to your next conversation or introduction. I know this sounds simple, but it is something you might forget when your emotions are running high the night before your wedding.


Create a schedule, communicate it to everyone and stick to it!

People like to have a plan. It makes everyone feel a little more at ease to know what to expect. Be sure you publicize all the start times, meeting locations and event details for all the wedding activities. A great place to do this is on your wedding website. This way everyone has a central place they can reference to make sure no one misses a second of the wedding fun! (If you’d like a little extra help determining what else should be on your wedding website, check out my guide for what to include on your wedding website. 🙂


Choose a venue with built in entertainment. By this I mean, consider hosting your wedding a fun location like maybe a science center, art museum, botanical garden or even a zoo! This way, if there is any down town during the wedding day, guests can also explore and check out the built in venue attractions.

BTW-All four of the above mentioned locations are fabulous Arizona venues for you to consider for your wedding!

Check out the links below to learn more about each of these wedding venues!


Seating Chart Board Casey Green Weddings Blog Arizona

Work Your Seating Chart

When you are designing your seating chart do your best to group people together based on who they already know or who may have common interests. Try really hard not to stick your sweet Nana with all of your rowdy friends from college. Again – probably another no-brainer. But I’m telling ya, these little things make a big difference!

Champagne Toast Casey Green Weddings Blog Arizona

Keep Toast Short and Sweet

If possible, have a heart to heart with your wedding party and your family before the wedding and ask them to do their best to keep their toasts on the shorter side. Nothing will makes your guests get more antsy than a rambling toasting family member. 🙂


Plan your guests’ exit strategy for them

Your guests want to be able to relax and have a good time at your wedding. Take the pressure off of them at the end of the night by providing built in transportation to get them back to their hotel or home for the evening after the event. Some ideas might be hiring a professional shuttle company or trolley. Or maybe offer to cover a portion of an Uber ride home for your wedding guests. Trust me, taking care of this detail will be a huge relief for the majority of your wedding guests.


Happy Couple Running Casey Green Wedding Arizona Blog

Finally, relax, have fun and DON’T TAKE ANYTHING TOO SERIOUSLY! All of your guests will have a better time when you are being your natural, loving, welcoming self. Roll with the punches and remember to laugh as much as you can!  Also, it’s a plus if you can spend a little quality time with each of your guests at some point throughout the wedding festivities. Sincerely thank them for being a part of your wedding – and mission accomplished if you can give each guest a big hug by the end of your wedding night!


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Casey Green Wedding

Casey Green Weddings, LLC

Phoenix, AZ 85054



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Want access to all the knowledge of a full service wedding planner - but not sure that investment is in your wedding budget? You're in the right place!
Casey's mission is to empower you with wedding planning tips and strategies to plan the wedding of your dreams - even if you're on a tight budget :)


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