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Thought for the Day

Say This Every Morning

July 25, 2024

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If you’re like me, morning rituals are important to help you stay centered, manage your stress and be happy in your daily life.

Ever since I was a little girl, I often suffered from what I called the “morning blues”. Even if everything was fine in my life, I would often wake up feeling sad. Now to stave off those pesky morning blues, when I wake up in the morning, I immediately say the five following things to myself so I can tackle my day in style!

  1. I am grateful for what is. Acknowledging and being grateful for the blessings in your life is a wonderful practice to start. It’s so easy in our daily lives to focus on the negative things that happen to us. However, when we are able shift this focus to recognizing and acknowledging the good things that happen in our lives, we ultimately begin to attract more of these same experiences to us. Therefore, start each day by being thankful for all the good things in your current life.
  2. I am a person who ____________. Fill in the blank with a description of the person you who you strive to be. Visualize the details of this person. What do her daily activities entail? How does she interact with other people? What are her values? Then imagine how it will feel when you are this person.
  3. There is enough. Often in our lives we make decisions from a place of scarcity. We worry if someone else has more success or more money than we do, we might not be able to achieve success too. This is simply not true. There is enough for everyone to have all that we want. There are enough customers. There are enough job opportunities. There is enough money for all of us to live the lives of our dreams.
  4. I am good enough now. So many of us have dreams or goals we want to accomplish. However, many of us hide behind the illusion we do not yet have the experience or knowledge to begin to take action to achieve these dreams. This again is just not true. You are ready now to begin to walk toward your goal. Be brave today and take at least one small step toward your dream.
  5. Release and know it is so! After addressing the first four items in this post, it is now important you release your thoughts and know today you are moving toward building the life of your dreams. You have clearly identified what you want and who you hope to be. Now today you will boldly take action to make your dreams your reality. Relax and trust all of these things are yours now.

Now take action!

What is your morning ritual? What practice will you adopt today to help you prepare yourself every morning for your best day yet?!

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Casey Green Wedding

Casey Green Weddings, LLC

Scottsdale | Sedona | Northern Arizona


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